The following editorial is written by a retired Chief of Police and current staff writer for Law Enforcement Today
(Article by Pat Droney republished from
NEW YORK, NY- From the same rag that brought us the 1619 project, we now have the New York Times making the claim that showing up to the door of a 13-year-old girl with a pack of condoms is apparently acceptable conduct, which they apparently believe does not warrant any legal consequences for the pervert. Seriously.
Conservatives have warned for some time that the end game for liberals is basically anything goes, good time rock and roll.
We’ve reported on these pages of some in academia making the argument that pedophilia should be treated as a psychological illness and not prosecuted as a crime. The New York Times, which basically denied the Holocaust ever existed is now making the case that pedophilia is really not all that big a deal.
In 2014, the opinion pages of the paper had an article by Margo Kaplan, who was a law professor at Rutgers School of Law in Camden, who made just that claim. Pedophilia is a disorder, not a crime.
Kaplan made the claim in the piece that pedophilia is not the same as child molestation. If you are interested in examining that mindset, we invite you to read the piece. Suffice it to say, Kaplan said that one can “live with pedophilia and not act on it.” The claim is that pedophilia is a “status” and not an act.”
According to the Post Millennial, quoting from the Times piece, in referring to the above sting, where a man indeed did show up at the home of what he believed was a 13-year-old, it reads:
“Was this an elaborate game? Again she claimed to be 13. The photo seemed to tell a different story and the gaming chair she was seated in looked too expensive for a kid. She used slang a 13-year-old probably wouldn’t know, like “FTP”—“fuck the police”—that originated in ‘80’s hip-hop. The vulgarities and snide tone seemed too adult. Her texts were full of “lol”s. Was she an immature teenager? Or a sly adult?
“It was a 20-minute drive to the house in suburban Vancouver. After stopping for condoms, he arrived at 7 p.m., three and a half hours after their first emails. She came to the door just as she’d said, in torn jeans and gray sweatshirt, as beautiful as her photo. She didn’t look 13 at all, more like she was in her 20s.”
According to the Times Magazine article, the suspect was referred to as Jace Hambrick, who is apparently claiming he is innocent. That is because most perverts show up to a home where they believe a 13-year-old is waiting, while he is packing condoms.
Hambrick’s mommy started a blog in his defense, with both claiming he did nothing wrong, even though the undercover officer told him numerous times that she was 13, and he still bought condoms obviously with the intent of using them on said 13-year-old, and drove to the address he was given, the Post Millennial noted.
Hambrick seems to be like your typical cellar-dwelling millennial living in mom’s basement. He apparently spent a lot of time online, playing video games. To read the Times piece, Hambrick was just like the basement-dwelling boy next door.
“People liked him; he made them laugh,” the article gushed.
Hambrick was referred to as a “nerd,” with his mother saying that he was “introverted, sensitive, immature, coddled, nerdy.”
Hambrick apparently wasn’t a “go to a bar and pickup a date” kind of guy. Online was his gig. He typically used Craigslist in order to pickup women and had some luck but not much.
In 2017, he came across a so-called Casual Encounters “w4m” (woman searching for man) post that caught his attention. It appeared to come from “gamer gurl.”
They engaged in online conversation during which time Hambrick revealed he was 20, to which she replied she was 13. Confused how she was able to get on Craigslist being only 13, they exchanged cell phone numbers and started texting and sending pictures.

Some of the texts turned to sex with some banter back and forth.
Arrangements were made for Hambrick to go to the girl’s house to meet with her. Since he stopped for condoms on the way, he clearly intended to have sex with someone whom he believed to be 13. That’s clear.
He drove 20 minutes to the girl’s home in suburban Vancouver. The young girl came to the door and invited him in. Once inside, she disappeared down a hallway, at which time two police officers appeared from the back room and placed him under arrest.
Hambrick didn’t seem to understand why he was under arrest, to which the officers explained he would be told “in just a moment.” At this point, the 20-year-old man asked to speak to his mom. His request was refused, at least for the moment.
The article continues that the conviction rate for cases which go to trial is 95 percent, although most cases don’t go to trial. They noted that a majority of such defendants plead guilty rather than go before a jury. They complain that five such suspects have committed suicide.
The program conducted in Washington State is called Operation Net Nanny. The state police point to the conviction rate of the program as an endorsement of its success, saying the numbers confirm that it is a “well run operation that is legally and structurally sound,” while also being “very effective in apprehending and prosecuting those intent on causing harm to children.”
The Times goes on to justify the actions of the wanna-be pedophiles, with one source in the article who is a member of the Washington State sex-offender policy board saying they were simply “pathetic, lonely people.”
The member, Dr. Michael O’Connell said, “Some are in marriages where things aren’t going great. They’re socially inept but this is the way of having sex and building a relationship. They’re just stupid and making not very well thought out decisions. They weren’t out looking for kids, but there was this one that caught their attention.”
Then, further justification comes about by claiming that many of those arrested in the stings are in their late teens or early 20’s, “and may, according to current scientific research, exercise poor judgment because the regions of the brain that control risk taking are not yet fully developed.” Ah, there you have it…their “brains are not yet fully developed.”
In Hambrick’s case, the article wails that he lost both of his jobs, and that while awaiting trial he hardly ever left the house.
In 2018, Hambrick had a bench trial, and was found guilty on both counts…attempted rape of a child in the second degree and communication with a minor for immoral purposes. The judge found that based on the emails and texts “the defendant clearly expressed by words and conduct that he intended to have sex with a 13-year-old.
Hambrick was released this past January.
The entire piece was a puff piece on how those caught up in sex offender stings are somehow getting a bad rap. The funny thing is these stings have been well publicized for years.
We guarantee that there are many out there who are glad that police departments have such operations. If even one girl is protected from a perverted pedophile, it is worth it.
For men such as Mr. Hambrick who get caught with their hands in the cookie jar? Two words…buyer beware.
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