05/27/2019 / By Ethan Huff
Desperate to scare the entire world into believing that carbon dioxide (CO2) is some kind of man-made “pollutant” that needs to be curbed in order to stop the planet from warming to the point of total annihilation, mainstream science has made a grievous error by inadvertently admitting that CO2 levels were actually much higher before humans even existed on Earth.
Hilariously, in the process of fear-mongering about CO2 levels supposedly reaching critical levels today, new “research” by the American Geophysical Union (AGU) claims that, if something isn’t done now to reverse this alleged disastrous trend towards apparent planetary CO2 suffocation, total human CO2 emissions “could match those of Earth’s last major greenhouse warming event” – which AGU says occurred during the “Paleocene-Eocene Thermal Maximum” period roughly 56 million years ago.
But wait: What would have caused CO2 levels to reach epic proportions 56 million years ago before humans were even in the picture? AGU doesn’t say, nor does it address the fact that 56 million years ago, there were no vehicles around to burn fossil fuels, either. In other words, something else was the cause of CO2 levels supposedly rising to “dangerous” levels at that time, which further implies that the so-called “greenhouse gases” that are causing today’s Leftists to experience climate anxiety are in no way man-made or man-initiated.
For related news about how the prevailing climate change narrative of today is absolute pseudoscientific nonsense, be sure to check out ClimateScienceNews.com.
Ironically, AGU’s latest bout of fear-mongering about climate change and global warming actually fulfills the exact opposite of what the group intended. Instead of showing that humans are responsible for rising CO2 levels, AGU has shown that CO2 levels rise and fall due to some other force of nature that has absolutely nothing to do with any type of human activity.
Unless AGU can somehow prove that humans existed on Earth 56 million years ago and were driving cars, using iPhones, and eating beef – which would completely contradict and disprove the theory of evolution, by the way – then the only logical conclusion from AGU’s new research is that global warming occurs completely independently of human beings, period. Case closed.
One wonders if AGU will even take notice of these glaring contradictions inherent to its stated position, let alone put two and two together and issue a public statement admitting that man-made climate change is a total hoax, based on its own scientific research.
Hopefully some members of the public who are on the fence about this hot-button issue will take notice, at least, and perhaps rethink the legitimacy of the propaganda they’ve repeatedly been told is “scientific fact.” Maybe there will even be an eventual mass awakening to the fact that the climate change status quo doesn’t quite add up, and might just be an agenda-driven ruse designed to steal people’s freedoms and money?
While we’re hopeful for a miracle, such a scenario is only possible if enough free-thinking individuals are able to cut ties with all of the groupthink, and decide for themselves using actual logic that none of this global warming fear-mongering makes any sense.
“All news outlets, researchers and individual voices are now required to panic over the climate, or you will be banned and silenced,” warns Mike Adams, the Health Ranger, about the cult-like nature of climate fanaticism.
“This is what so-called ‘climate change’ has come to: a dangerous CULT of quackery and left-wing lunacy. Like all cults, those who are deeply embedded in the cult demand that everyone else join their cult or be forever silenced.”
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Tagged Under: carbon dioxide, climate anxiety, climate change, climate delusions, CO2, deception, fossil fuels, global warming, greenhouse gases, Journalism, lies, man-made, news cartels, pollutant, pseudoscience, science