Saturday, October 13, 2018 by JD Heyes
When it comes to demonstrating their outrage and disgust at America and all things traditional and conservative, sometimes Leftists just have to prioritize.
Like they did in recent days, when it came to making a choice between protesting against the confirmation of Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh, who will do more to protect their constitutional rights than the liberals Obama appointed, or express their anger that a white European discovered our country and we actually observe it every year.
As Campus Reform reported, Leftie students at Scripps College in California postponed their anti-Kavanaugh protest when organizers realized they had scheduled it for Columbus Day or what the Left is trying to get changed to “Indigenous People’s Day.”
And they actually apologized for it.
“We want to deeply apologize for scheduling this event on the same day as the 2nd annual Indigenous People’s Day,” student organizers wrote. “Monday is a day for indigenous and non-indigenous allies to stand in solidarity and acknowledge the genocidal mission system that enslaved and killed 80 [percent] of Natives living on this land. Additionally, we stand in solidarity with the 5,100 missing and murdered indigenous people.”
Oddly, there was no mention of how Native American tribes (deal with it; I’m a traditionalist) warred with each other on a regular basis long before whites came to the continent. (Related: School forces student to remove American flag from vehicle.)
In any event, the student organizers at Scripps College planned a Kavanaugh protest that was designed to “support survivors and show solidarity with those who are distraught by the Senate’s recent decision” to confirm our newest Justice (no mention of the fact that none of Kavanaugh’s accusers was believable because they could not provide any corroborating evidence or witnesses who would back their stories).
A description of the Kavanaugh protest on Facebook said that “[this] has been a really devastating time in U.S. Politics,” adding that protesters “want to demonstrate our outrage regarding the recent Senate vote approving Brett Kavanaugh to the highest court in America.
“Bring posters and friends!” the post urged, using these hashtags: #webelievesurvivors #kavanope.
As for celebrating Native Americans on Columbus Day, it would have been entirely appropriate to choose a completely different day for that rather than hijacking American history. But then, that’s what the Left does: What history it cannot suppress or censor, it hijacks and pretends that certain dates don’t really signify or honor what they were designed to. It’s like people choosing to celebrate their birthday in the summer when they were born December 1 because they hate winter.
Sadly, it’s not going to get any better. The Left has long since taken over American college campuses, where students are propagandized rather than educated.
As for Kavanaugh, well, not everyone has to be happy about his confirmation. That’s what elections are for; if the Left wants to appoint justices, the Left needs to win the White House and a majority of Senate seats.
But distorting an honorable man’s record and destroying his character simply because you don’t like him being a constitutionalist rather than a judicial activist is not acceptable, either, because any one of them who would besmirch Kavanaugh without having any factual basis to do so very likely would not want to be in the same shoes.
There’s also this: The fact that the Left now has so much protesting to do that schedules have to be rearranged in order to accommodate all of it is a bright, shiny, loud warning bell. It’s not healthy for a large number of citizens to be that angry so often about the country in which they live.
That’s a good thing about America. If you don’t like it here, you’re free to leave.
Read more about the Left-wing propaganda machine at Propaganda.news.
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Tagged Under: Tags: , anger, Angry, Brett Kavanaugh, campus insanity, Columbus Day, left cult, Liberal Mob, Libtards, Native Americans, propaganda, protests, reschedule, Scripps College, stupid, violence