Tuesday, August 21, 2018 by Vicki Batts
The left-wing has been pushing censorship of conservatives for several years now, with their war against free speech culminating in the unceremonious banning of Alex Jones and other conservatives across social media. Back in 2014, liberals were using the phrase “Check your privilege” to shame conservatives and in the last four years, they’ve stepped up their game: Now, they just lobby and whine until they get their way. In a recent interview with Salon, Jared Holt, the man credited with getting InfoWars booted from major social platforms, admitted that he was “offended” and jealous that Alex Jones had a Spotify podcast.
Indeed, it seems the motivation to ban InfoWars didn’t really stem from concerns about “hate speech” or what have you. No, the liberal left took down Alex Jones because his hard work and effort to build such a tremendously trafficked network made someone else jealous. And rather than putting in that same effort to get his own podcast listed on Spotify, Mr. Holt set out to take what someone else had worked for — a liberal cliche come to life.
As reported, Holt told Salon‘s Amanda Marcotte:
When I found Infowars, I was surprised — mostly because of my own experience as someone who has a podcast, aside from my work with Right Wing Watch. I experienced a personal struggle to get Spotify to list my own podcast.
The young leftist went on to state that the “problem” is bigger than InfoWars and hinted that the campaign for conservative censorship was far from over. Holt stated:
It’s reassuring to see them finally take action. I think it’s a little unfortunate that it took a public outrage campaign to do it, but ultimately I think it’s a step in the right direction. I hope these platforms realize that the problem is bigger than Infowars and that users are counting on them to follow through with the promises they made to counter this kind of misinformation.
It is a sad, sad state of affairs: The left-wing is so afraid of conservatives that that they need to subvert freedom of speech in order to guarantee themselves an audience. Holt himself had admitted that his key motivations in the censorship of Alex Jones were more about his hurt feelings over how hard it is to get a podcast listed on Spotify than they were about political concerns. He basically states that if he can’t have a podcast on Spotify, neither should Alex Jones.
Not only is the left-wing afraid of what conservatives have to say, they are bent on taking down conservative speech in any way possible. Whether its through destructive riots at the hands of Antifa, or calls for flat-out violence against Trump-supporters, the Left is growing more and more deranged by the day.
The tyrannical efforts of the left-wing may be growing more amplified, but freedom-loving Americans can still reject their narrative and refuse to bow-down to the socialists-in-training.
See more coverage of stories about infractions on our freedoms at Liberty.news.
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Tagged Under: Tags: Alt-Left, Big Tech, brainwashed, Censorship, conservatives, Crybullies, free speech, independent media, left cult, Left-wing, liberals, Liberty, oppression, radical left, Social media, technocrats, thought control, Tyranny