Tuesday, July 17, 2018 by Vicki Batts
There is a massive scheme to disinform the public — and it’s already underway. Facebook, Google, major mainstream media outlets and profit-driven industry zealots are all on-board to keep the American people ill-informed on virtually every issue. Whether its hiding the toxicity of glyphosate, promoting false narratives or censoring real news on health, politics and government — you can bet somebody somewhere is getting paid to keep the people from knowing the truth.
Social media sites like Facebook, Twitter and YouTube have all been called out for censoring content they simply disagree with, in some cases going so far as to say that opinions they don’t like are actually hateful. Recently, Facebook came under fire for “accidentally” banning a liberty-promoting page for sharing excerpts of the Declaration of Independence, labeling the historic document “hate speech.”
What kind of world are we living in, where the document that helped form our nation is being maligned as hateful? While the social media leviathan has apologized (after sufficient backlash), the fact remains that people are now so far-removed from the principles which founded this country, anything goes: Censorship, dictatorship, tyranny — all are coming down the pike at the behest of the increasingly extreme Left-wing. Knowing where to go to get real news and find out what the “powers that be” and their leftist cronies are lying about next is crucial to keeping freedom and liberty alive.
As sources explain, censorship is one of the biggest tools for extremists bent on controlling the population Facebook has already outlined their multi-prong approach to censoring content under the guise of “protecting” the public against “fake news.” But what constitutes “fake news” is entirely decided by Facebook and their associates — and the parameters of what content will get you banned or shushed are predominantly kept secret. CEO Mark Zuckerberg has also stated that their network algorithms will strongly favor “broadly trusted sites” as opposed to independent media — which ultimately means you’ll see more of their beloved propaganda.
In the same vein, vaccine-pushing California Senator Richard Pan is now calling for “fake news” about politics, health and government to be criminalized. So if you report on something the Left doesn’t like — you might just end up in jail like Tommy Robinson.
As Mike Adams, founder of Natural News and director of CWC Labs, reports:
Ever seeking to limit public debate, crush independent journalism and control all speech, Richard Pan has a new thought control bill entitled, “SB1424 Internet: social media: false information: strategic plan.” While the title seems to target social media websites, the language of the bill clearly applies the law to all blogs, news websites, video sites and podcasts.
The bill’s own language says that it includes “but [is] not limited to, videos, still photographs, blogs, video blogs, podcasts, instant and text messages, email, online services or accounts, or Internet Web site profiles or locations.”
To say that a bill of this nature would destroy free speech is an understatement; at such a widespread level, this bill virtually criminalizes the very act of expressing your own, independent thought. Not only does this bill stand to limit what kind of content one can publish, it actually mentions text messages, emails and other forms of private conversations as being subject to criminality.
“Now, to make sure that no one criticizes the deranged lunatics running Collapsifornia — with forced vaccine injections, confiscatory taxes and endless state-run propaganda — Richard Pan wants to turn independent journalists into “speech criminals,” Adams contends.
This is the kind of information the Left doesn’t want you to see: Across the board, government, media and social networks are actively suppressing truth. By controlling what you see and hear, they can gain the ultimate influence on your thoughts, feelings and opinions — disinformation at its finest.
You can see more coverage of the latest acts of censorship, disinformation and other atrocities at Disinfo.news.
Sources for this article include: