News & Articles By S.D. Wells
By S.D. Wells
School choice quickly becoming the “law of the land” – Republicans should jump aboard and follow Virginia Governor Youngkin’s lead
Recently elected Virginia Governor Glenn Youngkin is a prime example of how parents have major influence over elections, especially when they want a strong voice in their children’s education and choice of schools for them to attend. School choice is at the forefront right now in districts across the nation, and politicians should take heed […]
By S.D. Wells
NEW YORK TIMES says “the time is now” to EAT PEOPLE, in addition to ants, crickets, grub worms, termites, and cockroaches
The Leftists and Globalists seem to want nothing more than every American demented, sick, perverted, murder-hungry, and cannibalistic. This becomes quite evident as Americans witness mainstream media now literally pushing for everyone to eat lab-made food, worms and bugs, and wait for it… each other. The New York Times is normalizing cannibalism, as they squirm […]
By S.D. Wells
Medical industrial complex makes children sick to keep the cash flowing
The medical industrial complex in America is so sinister that one of their favorite cash cows is sick, disabled and dysfunctional children. They even make healthy children sick to keep the cash flowing. Those babies that make it past the Democrat abortion machine (Planned Parenthood and any term abortions) are subjected per the Centers for […]
By S.D. Wells
Seven ways today’s kids and teens are being brainwashed into perverted thoughts and demented acts by Leftist extremists
When Barrack Obama began his reign of terror in the White House many moons ago, not too many Americans knew what he had in store for the youth of this country, but fairly early on, Health Ranger Mike Adams called it all out. Obama was a sleeper cell (and still is), and his intent is […]
By S.D. Wells
VACCINE WARS: Top 7 ways American ‘sheeple’ have been manipulated with VACCINE MISINFORMATION by the dishonest establishment
War is a very scary concept, and most people are righteously terrified of nuclear bombs and missiles that can destroy entire nations of people in one fell swoop. Weapons of mass destruction are available to many countries around the globe, and have been used to kill and maim millions of people, mostly civilians, with no […]
By S.D. Wells
Top 7 ULTIMATE CONTRADICTIONS coming from Big Tech, MSM, CDC, and Biden Regime
Imagine if Trump had won the 2020 election, and right afterwards, Biden was banned from Twitter for wanting to investigate fraudulent voting schemes in all the swing states. Imagine also that Black Lives Matter and Antifa protesters invaded the Capital building to protest the election–and they all got slammed into jail, STILL rotting there, without […]
By S.D. Wells
We’re in the middle of an INFODEMIC and there’s no cure in sight as “authoritative” sources are full of medical misinformation
The worst part of the pandemic is not the virus, but the misinformation coming from the WHO, CDC, FDA and Biden Regime. The regurgitation of haphazard guessing and conspiracy theories based on zero science has created the most dangerous kind of pandemic – an infodemic. First, we were told by Nancy Pelosi that it was […]
By S.D. Wells
And like a CREEPY-PERV neighbor, State Farm is there
At State Farm, perverts are “committed” to including 5-year-old children in discussions about sexual identity, cross-dressing and pretending that there’s no such thing as a biological man or woman, because everyone is supposedly gay to some extent. State Farm’s latest target is kindergartners, and State Farm says that gender fluid and LGBTQ+ aren’t just words […]
By S.D. Wells
BUSTED: NBC thrives on deception and reputation destruction using dirty covert internet tactics to control, infiltrate, manipulate, and warp online discourse
Mainstream media outlets are seasoned professionals at accusing other organizations of the very corruption in which they are engaged themselves. Here is the epitome of this “pressing story” where NBC claims their adversaries are doing exactly what they do regularly, where they manipulate and control online discourse using extreme tactics for destroying the reputation of […]
By S.D. Wells
Is it Wikipedia or “Woke-a-pedia?” The Online “dictionary” is chock full of Leftist propaganda and allopathic lies
Remember back when everyone had encyclopedias? Students used them for book reports and looking up interesting facts about history, nature, geography, politics and more. Now, decades later, anything that has to do with natural remedies, including products, people and organizations, have been unjustly discredited, across the board, to suit the agenda of Big Pharma and […]
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