News & Articles By S.D. Wells
By S.D. Wells
Disney, Bayer, Amazon, Google and the Pharma Five – Do they OWN your thoughts and actions?
Did you know that the top five vaccine manufacturers capture 90 percent of all vaccine sales, in a market now valued at $25 billion? We’re talking about the Evil Pharma Five here: that’s Merck, Pfizer, Sanofi, GSK (GlaxoSmithKline) and Novartis. Guess how much the vaccine industry has paid out in damages for secret settlements in […]
By S.D. Wells
Impending DOOM of “Climate Change” is the latest environmental scare tactic for imposing high taxes and regulatory schemes dressed up as “solutions”
Profiting from supporting chemical medicine, toxic food, and money laundering – that’s the “M.O.” (mode of operation) for most politicians when they get to the top – including the Congress of the United States of America. One of the greatest Ponzi schemes for laundering trillions of dollars is upon us right now, and the Left […]
By S.D. Wells
Cure for saving Earth from “global warming” is more ABORTIONS, according to Democratic-Socialist-Communists
As we read about what’s really happening in France with mass protests over the “climate accord” agreement, we learn that it was all about taxing the working class for more big government control and wealth “redistribution.” Had Trump bought into the big lie, all fuel in America would currently be taxed and probably limit-capped, so nobody could […]
By S.D. Wells
Should we really be careful not to offend extremists?
The Leftist cry-bullies asked Donald J. Trump if he would be able to “accept defeat” if he lost in the 2016 election, and now they’ve spent more than 2 years unable to accept their own defeat, staging hate crimes and hoaxes to illegally try to impeach him and cause division in our country. The Leftist […]
By S.D. Wells
Trifecta agenda of the INSANE LEFT: Reduce the population, enforce insanely high taxes, and destroy the entire agricultural industry
They’re done hiding. The “no plan” Democrats are all getting behind the insane “Green New Deal” plan to abort all human babies, tax the working class at 90 percent, and eliminate all the fuel used to farm and harvest crops in America. They’ve decided that an insane plan is better than having no plan, since […]
By S.D. Wells
Top 10 TRUTH topics you never hear or see on lame-stream “MSM” media
Since CNN, ABC, NBC, CBS, the New York Times, and the Washington Post are all funded and controlled by Big Pharma and Big Food, they are forbidden from publishing and broadcasting the truth about several massively important topics. The same goes for most major newspapers in this country, and most of the popular websites. What’s […]
By S.D. Wells
Formula for INSANITY: Believe in hate crime hoaxes, take prescription medications, eat GMOs, drink tap water, get your flu shot, watch CNN, and read the NYT and WashPo
Isn’t it quite ironic that there is not one single photo or video clip of President Donald J. Trump being a racist, when 50 million Americans have been brainwashed by the media to believe that he is one? In fact, before he ran for POTUS, there was never any mention of it ever, because he’s […]
By S.D. Wells
Senator Elizabeth Warren likens an abortion to getting your TONSILS YANKED, because population control freaks think human babies in the womb are just worthless tissue
Socialism is just Communism wrapped up in “free stuff” the government hands out in exchange for the majority of your income and the removal of your rights to free speech, free press, and gun ownership. Socialists also want to do away with the middle class in America, and that means making sure pregnant women see […]
By S.D. Wells
Trump Derangement Syndrome fueled by these FOUR POISONS: Mass media propaganda, vaccines, fluoridated water, and rapeseed oil
Over the past couple decades, there have been several Presidents who angered millions of Americans with terrible policies, bad decisions, false promises, and confounding rhetoric, yet still we did not witness the enraged resentment and outright derangement of the masses that we now see taking place during the Trump Administration era. Like never before, Americans, […]
By S.D. Wells
POLITICS – the biggest planned distraction from health and well-being
There’s a reason “kill your television” has been a popular saying or “meme” for such a long time. From the Kavanaugh assault scheme to the hard-to-believe (for many reasons) pipe bomb mailer, our eyes and ears are bombarded with bad news on top of worse news, and the world keeps spinning. What’s the main underlying […]
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