News & Articles By S.D. Wells
By S.D. Wells
BUSTED: Scripted Covid propaganda reveals how nearly all American doctors are just puppets of the corrupt American Medical Association and the Vaccine Industrial Complex
You haven’t seen anything until you’ve seen the AMA’s “Interview Response Formula” and “Controlled Response” script specifically written to train all the puppet MDs in America how to brainwash everyone into getting toxic, spike-protein bioweapon injections for the lab-made China Flu. This absolutely corrupt, complete propaganda-ridden guide to “Covid-19 Language Swaps” tells doctors EXACTLY what […]
By S.D. Wells
Covid vaccine LIES proven to be 49% effective on the American sheeple
Currently, 49% of Americans, about 162 million, are conned sheeple who fell for the lie that the Covid-19 vaccines protect them against the China virus, so they went and got injected with neurotoxins and blood-clotting prions. These are very effective and potent lies. The fact is that most of the people coming down with Civid-19 […]
By S.D. Wells
Alert: “Delta” virus FEAR FACTOR rising thanks to full media propaganda campaign based on zero science
Supposedly, the World Health Organization is “tracking and monitoring” the Delta variant around the world. We are all supposed to be shaking in our boots 24/7 due to Delta’s so very high “transmissibility” rate, according to the latest experts (pharma shill of the week). Delta is even “more efficient” at spreading than the Alpha variant, […]
By S.D. Wells
The 4-stage brainwashing con that’s turning America into a Communist-run country
Have you noticed how many people are scared to death to remove their masks even though nearly all mask rules have been lifted in America? That’s because they are ALL brainwashed by the media and an elaborate plan to slow-walk 200 million Americans (or more if they can pull it off) right into their own […]
By S.D. Wells
The Biden one-burger-a-month plan to save Earth from global warming
Starting now, Americans are only permitted to eat one hamburger each, per month, in order to save the planet from burning up and burning us all alive. Instead of each American eating 10 burgers per month, we must all join forces and cut 9 of those 10 burgers out of our monthly eating habit, so […]
By S.D. Wells
Brainwashing America’s children through a warped, skewed, and perverted mainstream education
Education in America has become not much more than the State indoctrination vehicle, from kindergarten all the way through undergraduate college. The creators of the curriculum have dumbed-down math, rewritten history falsely, and infused bias that all white people are born gifted, prejudice, elitist, racist, and spoon-fed. White people are now being trained to hate […]
By S.D. Wells
WHITE PEOPLE: The only race you can legally discriminate against in the USA
Martin Luther King, Jr., once described racism as being as dumb as hating someone for the color of their eyes. It wasn’t about skin color or eye color, but for the content of your character that you might be judged. Now, public schools in the USA, including from elementary grades through college, are teaching that […]
By S.D. Wells
Fake news THOUGHT POLICE trying to ban and censor everyone who is opposed to a Communist Amerika
Fake news is getting worse by the day, as we see that only the Left can be “offended” and “bullied,” while all people and entities to the Right, even slightly, are now labeled as the “Extreme Right,” “Fascists,” and “Domestic Terrorists.” Anyone opposed to toxic food (GMOs), dirty vaccines (all of them), and Americanized Communism […]
By S.D. Wells
WATCH OUT – It’s a trick! Telling Americans they can “mask off” once vaccinated is a form of coercion designed to give governments CONTROL over your health
Watch out, as the joker argues with the fool over your life and livelihood. Senator Rand Paul is “arguing” with Fraudulent Fauci over whether Americans should be able to remove the masks once they’re vaccinated, but it’s all a big trick. It’s coercion. It’s compelling Americans to act in an involuntary manner by use of […]
By S.D. Wells
200 Million Americans currently HYPNOTIZED and LOBOTOMIZED by Big Food and Big Pharma
There are more than 200 million numb and dumb American consumers, who’ve watched TV their whole lives and believed that food advertised as healthy actually is. This two-thirds portion of all American adults have no clue that most food is literally designed to cause your body to develop diabetes, cancer, heart disease and dementia. Then, […]
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