News & Articles By News Editors
By News Editors
Gaslighting: How leftist psychopaths demonize and demoralize their opposition
We have all heard this time honored cautionary mantra: “All governments lie”. It’s not a theory, it is a fact that history has proven time after time. I would only expand on the rule and say this: All governments, all corporations, all corporate media, all think tanks, and all corporate funded activist groups lie. There […]
By News Editors
Videos: Students and parents fight back after school forced boys to ‘apologise for rapes committed by their gender’
Male students at an Australian School have spoken out in anger after they were forced by teachers to stand up in an assembly and collectively ‘apologise’ to female students for ‘sexism’ and ‘rapes’ committed by their gender. (Article by Steve Watson republished from The bizarre action, enforced by Brauer College in Warrnambool, Victoria, has […]
By News Editors
Videos: Students and parents fight back after school forced boys to ‘apologize for rapes committed by their gender’
Male students at an Australian School have spoken out in anger after they were forced by teachers to stand up in an assembly and collectively ‘apologise’ to female students for ‘sexism’ and ‘rapes’ committed by their gender. (Article by Steve Watson republished from The bizarre action, enforced by Brauer College in Warrnambool, Victoria, has been slammed […]
By News Editors
Let them eat woke
On October 6, 1789, a group of French peasants surrounded the country estate of King Louis XVI of France and demanded that he and his family relocate to Paris. (Article by Simon Black republished from The people were sick and tired of the king living the luxurious palace lifestyle at their expense. And, fearing […]
By News Editors
Are you ready to become a ‘digital asset’ of the globalists’ Great Reset?
Few are aware of it but the digitalization of the human race is advancing at break-neck speed. (Article republished from Don’t look now but the world is racing down a path that has been interlaid with landmines of control and surveillance and yet almost no Western politician of any party seems concerned enough to even talk […]
By News Editors
Child Abuse: Wash Post highlights ‘social justice books, programs for toddlers’
Parents: Do you want your three year-old to be a joyless social justice drone by the time he/she/they hits kindergarten? Would you like little Pat to be the puritanical scold of the playground, sucking the fun, life and variety out of every grammar school interaction? Your pals at the Washington Post have a round-up of woke books […]
By News Editors
About to get DOWN AND DIRTY
I know that to the majority of people out there MINDCONTROL sounds like something out of a movie. And, certainly GOVERNMENT PURPETRATED MINDCONTROL is nothing but the rantings of some crazed “Conspiracy Theorist”. But, before you close this post and turn away to something easier to digest… take a serious look at the following with […]
By News Editors
You’ll never believe what made Bill Maher’s audience clap
The headlines were about the fact that, when Megyn Kelly appeared on Bill Maher’s HBO show on Friday, she complained about the way her children’s pricey private schools in New York were indoctrinating them with pro-transgender values and anti-white animus. Bill Maher to his credit, agreed with Kelly that matters are getting seriously out of […]
By News Editors
Your kids would be better off feral than going to schools that make them anti-American racists
To obtain or keep teaching licenses, Illinois now requires all K-12 teachers to indoctrinate their students in critical race theory, destructive lies about sex and gender, and other leftist mind poison. The rules clearly communicate that in Illinois public schools are no longer places to learn, but places children will be lied to, manipulated, and warehoused as […]
By News Editors
Ben Carson: ‘Child Abuse’ to prey on children’s curiosity with transgender ideology
Dr. Ben Carson, a retired pediatric neurosurgeon, described the pushing of left-wing transgender ideology upon children as “child abuse” on Friday’s edition of SiriusXM’s Breitbart News Daily with host Alex Marlow. (Article by Robert Kraychik republished from Democrats and the broader left regularly frame human sexual dimorphism as an arbitrary social construct. Marlow recalled Thursday’s confirmation hearing […]
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