News & Articles By Lance D Johnson
By Lance D Johnson
New Hampshire school district repurposes COVID funds to hold LGBT pride event and drag performance
The unwieldy, three-year-long covid-19 national emergency paved the way for systemic money laundering and financial fraud. Funds that were intended for the “public health” and the “covid-19 pandemic” were often used by special interests to control people, promote propaganda, and conduct other business that has nothing to with the public good or the general welfare […]
By Lance D Johnson
PURE EVIL: Leading US medical institutions are deliberately confusing toddlers and converting them into transgenders
American kids are being pushed toward transgenderism by their schools, by left-wing politicians, and by medical institutions. North Carolina’s leading medical institutions – Duke, UNC, and ECU – now offer “transgender treatments” that confuse, brainwash, and socially transition kids as young as two, three, and four. Toddlers are being socially transitioned and put in environments […]
By Lance D Johnson
Homosexual teacher caught bullying his students, threatening them to comply with LGBTQ agenda
A 40-year-old teacher from a state-run academy in London was caught bullying his students and threatening them to comply with the LGBTQ+ agenda. In his lecture at the Stationers’ Crown Woods Academy, the teacher made it clear that he is a homosexual and identifies as part of the LGBTQ+ community. He plainly told his students […]
By Lance D Johnson
NO WARMING AT ALL: Global COOLING continues for eighth straight year, according to NOAA data
According to the latest data from the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), there has been no “global warming” over the past decade. Instead, global COOLING continues for the eighth consecutive year! The NASA satellite data finds a 0.11°C/decade drop in average global temperatures over the past eight years and five months. CO2 emissions, whether […]
By Lance D Johnson
Perverted and predatory LGBTQ compliance ratings coming to public schools, thanks to the CDC
Over the past three years, the predatory Centers for Disease Control (CDC) challenged parental rights in a way that mocked the father and subjugated the mother. The CDC aggressively damaged the minds of youth with bodily mandates and mental illnesses, while permanently injuring children with needless experiments. Their latest act of malice towards children is […]
By Lance D Johnson
Disney’s new Christmas series depicts children holding up signs that say, “We Love You Satan”
A scene from Walt Disney’s new Christmas series is causing controversy. The controversial scene depicts children collectively holding up letters that read “We Love You Satan.” While the scene is probably just a play on the word “Santa,” the “joke” didn’t go over well with many parents. This is because parents are now wise to […]
By Lance D Johnson
Survey reveals mass mental illness in Gen Z, with 57% of young people now taking medication just to cope
After facing two and half years of lockdowns, restrictions, fear propaganda, isolation, and harmful mandates, the young and aspiring Generation Z are dealing with several mental health conditions. An analysis conducted by Harmony Healthcare IT finds that millions of young adults are dealing with new mental health problems that were brought on during the covid-19 […]
By Lance D Johnson
Canadian actress suffers from Bells Palsy after taking COVID jab, but says she would “do it again” because “it’s what we have to do”
Canadian actress Jennifer Gibson went public with a serious medical diagnosis she received just two weeks after taking the covid-19 vaccine. Appearing in front of her own camera, Gibson told her followers that she now suffers from Bells Palsy. She now has paralysis on one side of her face, as seen in the video. “This […]
By Lance D Johnson
Media propaganda and “equality of outcomes” brainwashing makes people believe things that aren’t even close to the truth
The corporate media is financially incentivized to project a false version of reality — brainwashing the public to accept falsehoods as truth. Big Tech reinforces these falsehoods by shadow banning, blacklisting and censoring the actual truth. The actual truth is often mislabeled as “misinformation” while the real misinformation is promoted by algorithms and advertised as […]
By Lance D Johnson
Unethical Wuhan virology (bioweapons) experiments may be moving to Boston, Massachusetts, with new grants issued to Peter Daszak and covid-19 conspirators
The very network of people who off-shored gain-of-function coronavirus experiments in Wuhan, China are now the people getting financial rewards and bringing similar controversial virology research back to the United States. Boston University will receive a $1 million grant to take on unethical, gain-of-function virology research at their controversial Bio-safety Level-4 facility — the National […]
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