News & Articles By Cassie B.
By Cassie B.
Patent shows how your nervous system can be manipulated through your TV or computer screen
If you thought the idea of manipulating the human nervous system via TV screens and computer monitors was reserved solely for the realm of science fiction, think again. Registered patents indicate that this may not be quite as far-fetched as it sounds. The 6506148 B2 patent, entitled: “Nervous System Manipulation By Electromagnetic Fields From Monitors,” […]
By Cassie B.
Democrats think spreading coronavirus is okay if you’re protesting against the police
There’s a lot of flip-flopping going on when it comes to advice about socializing as America reopens after the coronavirus crisis, especially when it comes to the Left. Going to church? That’s a bad idea because you could get infected. Protesting the killing of a black man by a white police officer? The more, the […]
By Cassie B.
Vitamin C is helping Chinese coronavirus patients, but the mainstream media won’t cover it because so-called “journalists” are all pharma whores
Any time a natural treatment shows some promise in addressing health concerns, those who stand to profit from selling pharmaceuticals start working overtime to ensure that the news is marginalized. That is certainly the case right now when it comes to vitamin C and its potential to help people suffering from coronavirus. Just as stories […]
By Cassie B.
Climate lunatics are working to ban natural gas stoves, forcing consumers to rely on electric burners that are mostly powered by coal
Climate lunatics are pretty good at coming up with ideas that seem to defy logic, and a recent drive to ban natural gas stoves is a classic example. Cities in largely liberal states like California and Massachusetts have been looking at proposals that will either limit or ban the use of natural gas outright in […]
By Cassie B.
Here’s ANOTHER reason to reduce kids’ screen time: Social media found to negatively influence their food choices
The reasons to minimize the time your kids spend using screens continue to pile up, with everything from depression and vision problems to poor school performance and social relations being blamed on excessive electronics device use. Now scientists have found yet another compelling reason to impose some limits on screen time — and social media […]
By Cassie B.
If we were really worried about children’s health, we would BAN junk food advertising
The classic picture of obesity is typically a balding, middle-aged man with a huge beer belly protruding from an ill-fitting shirt hanging unattractively across his waist. However, a different vision of obesity is becoming all too common as the beaches fill up this summer with overweight children whose swimsuits can barely contain them. While their […]
By Cassie B.
Climate change language allowed in Idaho science curriculum despite House Education Committee voting to remove it
Human-caused climate change is highly controversial, and one of the biggest problems is that the concept is often presented as fact even though much of the science behind it is far from settled. The Idaho House Education Committee recently voted to strip all references to human-caused climate change from proposed new education standards for science […]
By Cassie B.
Ten years ago, Al Gore warned the North Polar Ice cap would be gone by the year 2013… hint: It’s still there
When Al Gore told a German audience in 2008 that the ice cap on the North Pole would be gone in five years, many people were alarmed. It’s something he had been saying for years, and he somehow had enough credibility that lots of people took his words at face value. If he was right, […]
By Cassie B.
Stevie Wonder says Aretha Franklin was killed by global warming… seriously
What killed legendary singer Aretha Franklin earlier this month at age 76? If you’re like most people following her story, you would answer that she died of pancreatic cancer, as widely reported in the media and confirmed by her doctors. If you’re Motown legend Stevie Wonder, however, the answer is quite different. The singer-songwriter is […]
By Cassie B.
Huh? The New York Times says vitamin D health benefits are a right-wing conspiracy theory
In recent years, vitamin D has been stealing the spotlight as more people learn of its many health benefits. It’s great news that something so affordable and accessible can help people stay healthy, but one group that’s not so excited about the vitamin D hype is Big Pharma. Although vitamin D supplements are available and […]
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