Sunday, May 20, 2018 by Ethan Huff
A teacher at Fairlawn Public School in Toronto’s Brampton neighborhood has been outed for trying to push pedophilia on her elementary-age students – all in the name of taking a stand against “bullying, discrimination, homophobia, transphobia, and transmisogyny” (whatever that last one means).
A teacher by the name of “Mrs. Maciel” – her first name doesn’t show up on the Peel District School Board’s website – decided to initiate a class project in which she instructed her students to create a poster celebrating the “International Day of Pink.” This global initiative aims to put a stop to the five aforementioned adjectives, while also pushing the “LGBTQ+” agenda.
With the support of the Peel District School Board, which currently has the LGBTQ+ rainbow colors adorning its Twitter logo, Mrs. Maciel instructed all of her third grade students to wear pink as part of the district’s celebration of the “Day of Pink,” as well as create a poster centered around the theme of “Love is Love” that emphasizes that love has “no gender, no race, no religion, and no age.”
It’s the “no age” part that’s particularly disturbing, as Mrs. Maciel had her students draw a picture of an adult-age “Barney” dinosaur alongside a youth-age”Tweety” bird cartoon character. The implication, of course, is that “love” is perfectly fine between an adult and a child – and no, this isn’t talking about normal love.
“This poster is ‘grooming’ elementary school kids to accept all sorts of sexual relationships,” stated Michelle Cretella, a Florida pediatrician and president of the American College of Pediatricians, about the egregious poster, which has since been removed from Mrs. Maciel’s Twitter page. Her Twitter page does, however, still contain a tweet that depicts the poster her students made, as well as the words “FIRST Place” since the poster reportedly “won” the Day of Pink contest.
“The cartoon stating ‘Love has no age’ can certainly be interpreted as promoting pedophilia. What is most disturbing is that the third-grade students were solicited by their teacher to create a ‘Love is Love’ poster marketed specifically to kindergarten students. Young children are being used to groom even younger children.”
What’s particularly interesting about Fairlawn’s pro-pedophilia, pro-LGBTQ+ stance is that, based on Mrs. Maciel’s and others’ pictures of the students who attend the school, a large percentage of them appear to be Muslim. In fact, there appear to be almost no white children who attend the school at all – which is curious since practicing Muslims would likely vehemently oppose this “curriculum.”
Perhaps the parents of these students aren’t even aware of what their children are being taught at Peel District schools like Fairlawn – which appears to be some of the most hard-left indoctrination and propaganda that we’ve come across yet. No matter what their color or religion, students at Fairlawn and others within the Peel District are obviously being trained to be spineless, genderless social justice warriors (SJWs), while at the same time being brainwashed into believing that pedophilia is perfectly normal.
Even more to the point was Jack Fonseca, a senior political strategist at the Campaign Life Coalition. He called the cartoon poster image “a combination of child abuse and cultural Marxism,” adding in a statement to LifeSite News:
“It should be illegal to intentionally try to confuse children about the biological facts of human sexuality, that there are only two sexes, male and female. Moreover, gender theory – which holds that there are many genders and these do not necessarily correspond to one’s biological sex, but can be changed at will – is not only scientifically wrong, but it has the potential to produce massive sexual confusion in the minds of the young.”
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