Friday, February 16, 2018 by Jayson Veley
The Social Media Neutrality Panel was held earlier this week at the Newseum in Washington D.C. The panel included several prominent conservatives and entrepreneurs including Jim Hoft of The Gateway Pundit, Pamela Geller of The Geller Report, Oleg Atbashian from The People’s Cube, tech entrepreneur Marlene Jaeckel, and Margaret Howell of Rightside Broadcasting, and topics ranged from the current tech climate to social media bias.
At one point during the event, Margaret Howell, who heads Right Side Broadcasting Network as their D.C. bureau chief, commented that tech giants like Facebook, Google and YouTube seem to be collaborating with left wing media outlets in order to censor conservative voices. Howell provided multiple examples to back up her argument, reminding us that many of these companies will go as far as to ban live video and video clips – even ones that don’t contain any political context whatsoever – all because they want to prevent any potential message that doesn’t align with the progressive agenda from getting through their gates.
Howell went on to describe a time when a video that she recorded during a White House press briefing was censored by YouTube, even though the mainstream media is allowed to broadcast identical coverage across all platforms. You can watch Howell’s full remarks in the video below:
This is hardly the first time that YouTube (which is owned by Google) has been accused of suppressing conservative content on their video sharing platform. In fact, back in October of last year, the conservative digital media organization PragerU filed a lawsuit against YouTube for unlawful censorship and free speech discrimination. Nearly 40 videos produced and published by PragerU on YouTube have been restricted as of October, including “Why America Must Lead,” “The Ten Commandments: Do Not Murder,” “Why Did America Fight the Korean War,” and “The World’s Most Persecuted Minority: Christians.”
“It looks like it’s the videos they don’t agree with ideologically,” explained PragerU CEO Marissa Streit in an interview with TheBlaze, adding that since PragerU’s videos are specifically designed to reach young people with its conservative message, the censorship hurts all the more. “As the person who runs this organization, I want fair treatment,” Streit went on to say. “I don’t want to be discriminated against… Our hope is to make a correction that will lead to goodness.” (Related: Is it time for the government to regulate Internet giants like Facebook and Google to prevent thought monopolies?)
But it’s not only PragerU that has been targeted by YouTube for censorship. As the Daily Caller reported back in August, a number of other conservative voices are having their free speech rights infringed upon as well. One of these conservatives is right-wing journalist Lauren Southern, who believes that “it would be insane to suggest there’s not an active effort to censor conservative and independent voices.” Southern added, “Considering most of Silicon Valley participates in the censorship of alleged ‘hate speech,’ diversity hiring and inclusivity committees. Their entire model is based around a far-left outline. There’s no merit hiring, there’s no support of free speech and there certainly is not an equal representation of political views at these companies.” (Related: If Google and Facebook are not regulated, their politically-motivated censorship will lead to open warfare in the streets.)
It’s now abundantly clear that Silicon Valley is actively trying to suppress conservative points of view, and as Margaret Howell pointed out, it’s likely that they are working with the liberal mainstream media to accomplish this goal. They care very little, if at all, about the freedom of speech and the First Amendment, and if this is allowed to continue, then one day the freedom of speech on the Internet won’t exist at all. Conservatives viewpoints will essentially be banned from the world wide web, and the liberals will have full control over what information the American people are allowed to view. We simply cannot let this happen.
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Tagged Under: Tags: Alt-Left, Censorship, conservative shutout, conservative voice, content police, Facebook, First Amendment, free speech, Google, left cult, mainsteam media, oppression, search engine, Silicon Valley, Tyranny, YouTube