Pulitzer Prize awarded to Washington Post, New York Times for publishing FAKE news

Tuesday, April 17, 2018 by

In exactly the same way that Barack Obama was given the Nobel Peace Prize in advance of bombing developing nations, the New York Times and Washington Post have just been awarded the Pulitzer Prize for publishing utterly fake news.

The Pulitzer — which is now has about as much integrity remaining as James Comey, the serial liar of the FBI — has collapsed into a complete joke of shoddy journalism. In nearly two years of reporting on so-called “Russia collusion” using fabricated sources, fake “evidence” and obvious political bias, neither the New York Times nor the Washington Post have managed to come up with a single piece of smoking gun evidence to support their wild, reckless claims. This, according to the Pulitzer committee, is award-worthy behavior. Because fake news, obviously, needs to be granted the aura of credibility in order to continue catapulting the propaganda into the minds of the masses.

Steve Watson from InfoWars reports:


Newspapers literally awarded for making up stories

Because they are just as fake as each other, and one was not able to out-fake the other with their Russia/Trump conspiracy theories, Washington Post and The New York Times have shared a Pulitzer prize.

That is correct, in what seems more like a participation trophy for attempting to do journalism, the newspapers were both literally given an award for reporting something that doesn’t exist.

After one year of investigations into the matter, no evidence has come to light that there was any collusion between the Trump campaign and Russia. Not one shred.

Nevertheless, the Post and The Times were just ecstatic to announce their joint prize…

The Washington post literally made up fake stories about Russian interference:

Who cares? Give them an award.

The Washington Post posted a joke by GOP Congressman Kevin McCarthy that Trump was being paid by Putin, and attempted to suggest it was true.

Who cares? Give them an award.

The Post also reported that former FBI Director James Comey sought more resources for his Russia probe just days before he was fired by President Trump.

Also FAKE NEWS, according to the DOJ.

Who cares? Give them an award.

Citing an ‘anonymous source’, The Washington Post reported that “Deputy Attorney General Rosenstein threatened to resign after the narrative emerging from the White House on Tuesday evening cast him as a prime mover of the decision to fire Comey.”


Who cares? Give them an award.

And today, the Post had the gall to publish a piece suggesting that “Trump’s ‘fake news’ mantra becomes an effective weapon — against America”.

Who cares? Give them an award.

The reaction from Twitter was brutal:













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